Creativity & Curiosity
Having the self esteem to be your own person is the pinnacle of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and yet unless we follow a more constructivist curriculum the opportunities to hone these competencies can be limited, especially in secondary schools. Teaching is very much geared to passing exams in order to maximise students' chances of access to Higher Education and the workplace. Yet these same employers and university admissions officers call for skills in creativity and want people who have innate desires to "find out". These courses show how as teachers and librarians we can create opportunities within our existing curricula or perhaps run breaktime clubs to encourage practise of these important life skills.

With Creative Education I was given the opportunity to undertake formal training with the British Council to deliver Connecting Classrooms Core Skills in the UK to teachers of all key stages. Here is the feedback I received on the strand I chose for my microteach which was on Creativity and Imagination. I based this on an idea for training that I had developed myself

Your course might include exercises to understand the creative process as shown in the picture above underpinned by theory or it might be more practical looking at designing Makerspaces or Escape Rooms and Escape Boxes a Murder Mystery or a Scavenger Hunt using apps. It is what outcomes you desire which will determine how I design the course for you!

These courses can be made bespoke and may include elements of the other courses I offer such as Critical Thinking & Critical Literacy, Game Based Learning & Technology, Information & Digital Literacy, and Research & Write Up Skills. These areas of interest are all supported by my publications