Information & Digital Literacy
These courses overlap with others that I offer
Information Literacy covers theory and practice. The efficacy of using a model - pros and cons
How to embed IL skills on a personal, education community and global scale using UN Sustainable Goals
Digital Literacy - considers definition and then 3 models and embedding them into project work
Hague & Peyton
In the UK, the school librarian is often employed as a member of the support staff rather than the teaching staff and yet is involved in the delivery of information literacy, an increasingly important skill in our digital world . These courses consider the role of the teacher and how the librarian can collaborate to deliver a joint lesson for any researched based topic. The courses cover lesson planning, research skills and assessment. They are highly practical in delivery and are adapted to suit the audience but would be suitable for any library worker who will be invoved in teaching. Guidance includes incorporating online databases and eBooks, phone apps as well as more traditional print resources. There can also be a brief outline of academic honesty and referencing. The courses are supported with handouts and links to downloads of the materials used.